Thomas & The evil diesel
Written by Christopher Awdry

Despite his bad character, Diesel became an iconic figure in the TV Series and went on to become a recurring character in later seasons as a watered down ‘pantomime’ villain. Whilst his father had been urged to keep Diesel as a permanent character within the Railway Series by Eric Marriott, his editor, he didn’t feel it was a wise move. Christopher Awdry brought Diesel back to the Island of Sodor in this ‘out of official canon’ story, which has been adapted numerous times since in various TV Series tie-in books for toddlers, most recently figuring as Diesel’s entry in the Thomas Story Library colleciton.
Story Summary Written by R Healy
Percy is unwell, and needs a trip to the Works. The Fat Controller organises a replacement in his place, but is dismayed when he finds the only engine that the Other Railway can supply is Diesel. Duck watches him arrive and make his way to the Branch Line, where Thomas and Toby warn him against trying his tricks...
The trucks decide to test Diesel’s patience and begin mimicking him. Diesel finally loses his temper and forces the trucks down a siding and through the buffers, smashing some of them to pieces over the road. The Fat Controller
scolds Diesel severely and tells him he’ll be sent back on the Other Railway in disgrace as a consequence of his actions. Thomas and Toby are glad to hear it.
Meanwhile, poor Daisy is experiencing some trouble. Her oil is leaking all over the rails and she has to give up her passengers to Bertie. Thomas makes a good effort climbing the hill that Daisy just came down, but with a full train and slippery rails, there’s not much he can do. He begins to slide back down the line and into the runaway siding. Clarabel’s back wheels come off the rails and Thomas cannot move the train again – they’re stuck!
Meanwhile, Diesel is shunting his last load before going home in disgrace when he’s called by the Station Master to help Thomas. Diesel begrudges the idea, but knows he won’t get home otherwise. With a good effort, Thomas and Diesel ease Clarabel back onto the rails and bring the train up the line safely.
Diesel is hailed a hero, and when it’s time for him to go home, Clarabel convinces the Fat Controller to forgive him. Now, everyone hopes that Diesel will come back and visit again.