Welcome to SHINING TIME STATION! A special place within the Sodor Island Fansite devoted entirely to this award-winning North-American series!
SHINING TIME STATION, created by Britt Allcroft and Rick Siggelkow, made its television debut on Sunday January 29, 1989 on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) network affiliate WNET.
The bustling whistle stop, at the heart of the community, was built in 1885 and is now known as Shining Time Station - the oldest stop on the Indian Valley Railroad.

Through the always open doors you'll find fun, enchanting stories, and the zaniest group of townfolk this side of Doodlehaven. Anything is possible at Shining Time as long as you believe in magic!
Come find out why people say "There is just something about this place." 1

With SHINING TIME STATION, Rick and Britt brought together a tapestry of whimsical, entertaining and fun characters, stories and life-lessons matched up with themed Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends episodes - all overseen by the magical wee 18 inch tall sentinel of the station who calls himself "Mr. Conductor"!
An instant hit with North American family audiences, SHINING TIME STATION went on to win an Emmy, Parent's Choice Gold Award, an Action for Children's Television Award and a Gemini for best children series in Canada.
Here you'll find information about the show's history and its characters, detailed season and episode guides, interviews, interesting factoids and much, much more. We hope that fans old & new will enjoy exploring the mini-site to learn more about this iconic American children's programme!

“Shining Time is the moment the engine builds up steam and the wheels begin to shine on the track.”
~ Britt Allcroft (1993)
Visitors to Shining Time Station
since 2013-AUGUST-11
1.[Text in introduction taken from the Schmid Shining Time Station Music Box]