Full episode details for Mr. Conductor's Thomas Tales (1996)
Missing Whistles
Production #71 (MCTT.01) - First Aired: 1996-OCT-07 (US)
Written by Sean Kelly (assumed)
Directed by Steve Wright (assumed)
Summary by D. Dobrydney
Episode Characters/Stars:
Mr. Conductor (George Carlin)
Episode Synopsis: Mr. Conductor searches throughout Shining Time Station for his lost whistle.
Mr. Conductor is out in the woods talking with a squirrel friend of his. The squirrel wants to hear about Toby and Daisy's encounter with a bull on the Island of Sodor. Mr. Conductor reaches into his pocket for his whistle, but it's not there. He becomes very distraught as he looks around the forest path, declaring he can't tell his stories without his whistle. Finally, Mr. Conductor puts two fingers to his mouth and whistles to begin the story.
Afterward, Mr. Conductor is back in Shining Time Station rummaging through the Lost & Found box for his whistle. Searching through the box reminds him of how a group of cricket players had to search for their missing ball when Stepney the Bluebell Engine carried it off in his train. Finding a discarded party horn in the box, Mr. Conductor blows it to start the story.

With the story finished, Mr. Conductor is now in the Arcade talking to his goldfish about his missing whistle. He says that whistles don't just disappear, unless perhaps a ghost took it. Mr. Conductor quickly dismisses that idea however, noting that even Thomas the Tank Engine doesn't believe in ghosts anymore, and he puckers his lips to whistle just loudly enough to begin the story of how Percy played a ghostly trick on Thomas.
Mr. Conductor is now pacing around at the station entrance, saying the missing whistle is a mystery that must be solved. He continues that some find mysteries scary, such as Percy did when he encountered a dragon.
Finally, Mr. Conductor calls out the station window to Mrs. Bird and appeals to her honesty, asking if she's “borrowed” any shiny metal objects. He declares that a conductor without a whistle is like a frog without a lily pad, a hula without a hoop, or Peter Sam without his special funnel. To illustrate that last example, Mr. Conductor asks Mrs. Bird to whistle so the story can begin.

After the story, Mr. Conductor is thanking Mrs. Bird for delivering a package to him. He tells his goldfish how he'd forgotten he'd given his whistle to Thomas to give to Sir Topham Hatt so it could be polished. He shows the fish the whistle, good as new. Declaring that Thomas always comes through, Mr. Conductor blows his whistle to begin a song about how Thomas is a Really Useful Engine to close out the episode.
Episode Morals:
Never give up when faced with a loss or challenge. Trust in your friends to come through in the end.
Featured Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Stories:
Bulls Eyes
Train Stops Play
Percy's Ghostly Trick (Ghost Train)
Thomas, Percy & The Dragon
Special Funnel
Featured Thomas Music Video:
Really Useful Engine
Episode Notes:
There is no whistle to start the story "Thomas, Percy and the Dragon.
Production #72 (MCTT.02) - First Aired: 1996-OCT-14 (US)
Written by Sean Kelly
Directed by Steve Wright
Summary by J. Gratton
Episode Characters/Stars:
Mr. Conductor (George Carlin)
Squirrels, Mouse, Mr. Robin (unseen)
Episode Synopsis: Mr. Conductor is accosted by wildlife as he tries to deliver a cookie to his tardy squirrel friends.
As the episode begins, Mr. Conductor is in an outdoor park struggling to keep a cookie from being snatched by a bird. The cookie is intended to be a gift to his neighbours, the squirrels. He berates the wild animals' bad manners as being comparable to those of coaches, and proceeds to tell the story of how some coaches caused trouble for Sir Handel in “Four Little Engines.”

The animals continue to pester Mr. Conductor for his cookie. He comments that freight cars are even more badly behaved than coaches, and remembers when Thomas was new and encountered some very naughty freight cars, as in the tale of “Trouble for Thomas.”
Back in the park, Mr. Conductor sits on a bench and waits for the squirrels to arrive. He complains that they are late as usual and aren't dependable creatures. He goes on to say that these particular squirrels are cheekier than most. They chatter so much that they remind him of S.C. Ruffey and the dreadful time he once gave to Oliver, in the story “Toad Stands By.”

Next, Mr. Conductor has to fend off a mouse's attempt to take the cookie. He calls mice, birds and squirrels pests who are nothing but trouble, just like the freight cars in the story “Thomas Saves the Day.”
A robin chirps at Mr. Conductor, who insists that the squirrels are indeed coming. Annoyed at their tardiness, Mr. Conductor ponders whether to instead give the cookie to Mr. Robin. He states that these squirrels are as thoughtless as freight cars, such as those who caused serious trouble in the story “Rusty Helps Peter Sam.”
The final scene finds Mr. Conductor saying goodbye to the squirrels after successfully delivering the cookie. He's very sorry to have called them pests, but still compares them to railroad cars - they're best once they've been trained, and laughs at the "train" pun he just made. The episode ends with Mr. Conductor introducing the musical finale, a song about “Toby” the tram engine.

Episode Morals:
Perseverance and being firm is a must when dealing with people who want something that you have.
Featured Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Stories:
Four Little Engines
Trouble For Thomas
Toad Stands By
Thomas Saves The Day
Rusty Helps Peter Sam
Featured Thomas Music Video:
Episode Notes:
Mr. Conductor does not appear inside Shining Time Station at all in this episode.
Wish You Were Here
Production #73 (MCTT.03) - First Aired: 1996-OCT-21 (US)
Written by Sean Kelly (assumed)
Directed by Steve Wright (assumed)
Summary by D. Dobrydney
Episode Characters/Stars:
Mr. Conductor (George Carlin)
Episode Synopsis: Unable to sleep, Mr. Conductor decides to write letters to his friends.
It's late at night in Shining Time Station, and Mr. Conductor is writing by candlelight to Kit Twofeathers, who is on a fishing trip with his Uncle Billy. He writes that since he cannot sleep, he's decided to catch up on his letter-writing (since he can't spell 'correspondence'). Mr. Conductor pauses to think about how the letter will reach Kit. He decides he'll just put it on the mail train, which reminds him of a story about Thomas and Percy working together to deliver the mail on the Island of Sodor.

After the story, Mr. Conductor continues his letter to Kit, hoping that he catches alot of fish, but also that he'll put the fish back afterward. Mr. Conductor adds that his fish friends tell him they don't mind being caught as long as they're put back. Having finished his letter, Mr. Conductor hopes it makes it all the way to Billy's fishing camp. He knows it would if Tom Tipper, the postman, were on the job, and tells the story about Tom, his bike and Percy.
The story over, Mr. Conductor is wishing that he felt sleepy, or could even yawn. He tries to yawn, but fails and decides one can't make themselves yawn. Mr. Conductor says he always yawns if he sees someone else do so, but since there's no one around, he decides to start another letter. This one is to Kara Cupper, who Mr. Conductor hopes is having a 'grand' time visiting her grandfather. He continues that life in the station is normal, meaning Schemer is up to his normal tricks. Schemer's just like Duncan, Mr. Conductor writes, and tells the story of how Duncan got into trouble after not listening to Rusty.

Mr. Conductor continues his letter to Kara, saying that while Duncan might be a difficult engine, things worked out in the end, telling the story about how Duncan first met Skarloey.
After the story, Mr. Conductor lists the people he's written to, before remembering he hasn't yet written to his sister on the Island of Sodor. He starts to write, but stops to think about exactly what he's writing to say. He decides that what he wants to say to his sister is "I love you." That makes it a 'special' letter to Mr. Conductor, who tells the story of when the engines on Sodor received a special letter of their own.

By the end of the story, Mr.Conductor is glad to have his letters written, but knows he needs to get some sleep and soon. There's only one thing left he hasn't tried, a lullaby. So, he blows out the candle to begin a song about the beautiful Island of Sodor as the episode ends.
Episode Morals:
It's always good to let your friends and loved ones know you're thinking about them.
Featured Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Stories:
Thomas, Percy & The Mail Train
Mind That Bike
Rock'n Roll
Home at Last
Thomas & The Special Letter
Featured Thomas Music Video:
Island Song
Episode Notes:
The stories "Rock N' Roll" and "Home at Last" debut in reverse order to how they aired as part of the fourth series of Thomas and Friends.
While they don't physically appear, Mr. Conductor references several "Shining Time Station" characters, including Kara and her 'Grandpa' Harry, Kit and Billy Twofeathers, Schemer, Becky, Sister Conductor, as well as a cousin who might be the original Mr. Conductor, as played by Ringo Starr. Mr. C. surprisingly writes to Kit, who he never appeared to during the Family Specials.
Interestingly, Mr. Conductor mentions that his sister has taken up residence on the Island of Sodor.
For the Birds
Production #74 (MCTT.04) - First Aired: 1996-OCT-28 (US)
Written by Sean Kelly
Directed by Steve Wright
Summary by J. Gratton
Episode Characters/Stars:
Mr. Conductor (George Carlin)
Episode Synopsis: Mr. Conductor tries to organize a benefit concert for the Early Birds when their nest was severely damaged during the previous night's windstorm.
Inside Shining Time Station, an agitated Mr. Conductor is telling the goldfish about the previous night's windstorm damaging the Early Birds' nest. Mr. Conductor desperately wants to help them, but doesn’t know how. The goldfish suggest organizing the other birds to stage a benefit concert, and asking Skylark to sing in it. Mr. Conductor is very reluctant to do so and remarks that Skylark reminds him of Sir Handel because he is so stuck up. To illustrate the point, he proceeds to tell the story about Sir Handel’s first day on the Island of Sodor.

The plot resumes with Mr. Conductor pretending to call Mrs. Skylark, only to have her abruptly hang up on him. A miffed Mr. Conductor says that someday Skylark will learn her lesson just as Sir Handel did when he met George the steam roller, and tells the tale to explain.
Afterward in the arcade, Mr. Conductor admits that Skylark didn’t really hang up on him as he was only pretending to call her. Intimidated to call her for real, he instead suggests asking "Old Brown" the owl to perform his "Who" song, as it is always a hit with the audience. He even comes up with a title for the benefit event: "The Who - Live in Concert." The goldfish infer that Old Brown is too advanced in years to perform, to which Mr. Conductor disagrees by reminding the goldfish of how “old” Edward once saved James from a dangerous situation.

After the story, Mr. Conductor is at the ticket counter telling the goldfish that he tried phoning Old Brown, but had to leave a message on his answering machine since the owl sleeps all day. Doubting that Old Brown would show up anyway, he wonders about asking Cuckoo, but changes his mind after stating that he’s as cheeky as Thomas the Tank Engine, and proceeds to tell the story of how cheekiness got both Thomas and Percy into trouble.
On the station windowsill, Mr. Conductor informs the goldfish that he's ruled out any help from Skylark, Old Brown and Cuckoo. The goldfish tell him to ask Blue Jay, but Mr. C. considers the bird to be the neighborhood bully and as mean as Diesel. He offers to call him anyway as he tells the story of Diesel and his encounter with a bowler hat.

Finally, Mr. Conductor takes a walk with the goldfish bowl in the wooded park. Hearing many birds in song, it turns out that everyone Mr. Conductor asked came to help the Early Birds. He remarks that they are truly "fine-feathered friends" and that there's a lesson in this, though he can't think of what it is. It suddenly comes back to him when he remembers the Thomas song, "Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover."
Episode Morals:
Don’t pre-judge people by their appearances or actions.
You’ll never receive help unless you ask for it.
Featured Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Stories:
A Bad Day For Sir Handel
Old Iron
Double Trouble
Bowled Out
Featured Thomas Music Video:
Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover
Episode Notes:
The still used for Mr. Conductor's opening scene is from the Family Special Once Upon a Time. You can make out the word FOU(NDER) on the banner above the station's platform window.
It's been established in Mr. Conductor's Evil Twin that Mrs. Early Bird is a robin.
Splish, Splash, Splosh
Production #75 (MCTT.05) - First Aired: 1996-NOV-04 (US)
Written by Sean Kelly
Directed by Steve Wright
Summary by A. Su
Episode Characters/Stars:
Mr. Conductor (George Carlin)
Episode Synopsis: Mr. Conductor is having a particularly bad day while going through his work. He realizes that this is the result of being impatient and remembers what happened to certain characters like Duncan, Bertie and Peter Sam when they got impatient. Finally, he learns to calm down and not to be in rush while learning the importance of patience.
Mr. Conductor is sorting out letters on the Shining Time Station ticket desk, but a distraction from his goldfish causes him to lose count, much to his frustration. He says he feels like Duncan in the story "Passengers & Polish."
After the story is done, Mr. Conductor has finished sorting out the letters, but his sudden sneezing sends some of the letters scattering. Mr. Conductor is annoyed at this, but he reminds himself to be patient, as Duncan had to learn. He then tells the story "Gallant Old Engine."
After the story is done, Mr. Conductor has gathered up the letters, but notices one letter under the tripod holding the goldfish bowl. He tries to get it out with his foot, as his hands are full with the letters, but ends up dropping the letters on the floor, scattering them again. Mr. Conductor realizes that it all happened for being in such a big hurry, like Bertie in "Bertie's Chase."

After the story is done, Mr. Conductor has finished gathering up the letters on the floor. He explains to his goldfish that being in a big hurry would only result in more trouble, just like what happened to Peter Sam in "Peter Sam & the Refreshment Lady."
After the story is done, Mr. Conductor is gathering everything up, but his stamp keeps falling. He feels like he is having "one of those days", as in "horrible days." When the stamp lands on his foot, it hurts so much that Mr. Conductor almost curses, but is stopped by his goldfish who reminds him no matter how bad the day is, it is important to keep one's sense of humor. This reminds Mr. Conductor of Duke in the story "You Can't Win."

Finally, Mr. Conductor is finished with his work. He tells his goldfish that having a cold is the same as having a bad day, as one can't do anything about it in both situations. However, no matter how bad the situation can be, one will get over it soon. He sneezes again, but fortunately, manages to prevent his letters from scattering again. He thanks his goldfish for being a wonderful audience and rewards him with the song "Gone Fishing".
Episode Morals:
Patience is a virtue.
Being in a big hurry can land you in a big mess.
The best adventures are the ones we can only dream about.
No matter how bad the day is, don't lose your sense of humor.
No matter how bad the situation is, as long as you're patient, you'll get over it soon.
Featured Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Stories:
Passengers & Polish
Gallant Old Engine
Bertie's Chase
Peter Sam & the Refreshment Lady
You Can't Win
Featured Thomas Music Video:
Gone Fishing
Paint the Town Red
Production #76 (MCTT.06) - First Aired: 1996-NOV-11 (US)
Written by Sean Kelly
Directed by Steve Wright
Summary by A. Su
Episode Characters/Stars:
Mr. Conductor (George Carlin)
Missy the dog
Episode Synopsis: Mr. Conductor tries various colors for his front door.
At the episode’s beginning, Mr. Conductor tells his dog Missy that he’s tired of the red color of the door on his signal box, so he decides to paint it a different color. He decides against red with green stripes, as it reminded him of what happened to Henry in "Come Out, Henry!".

After the story is done, Mr. Conductor has painted the door green, but he is not pleased with it, because that particular green is the same color of fish, and it reminds him of Duck’s incident in the story "Fish".
Mr. Conductor switches to blue, but finds that it is not the right color either, because it would give people the blues, so he decides to add another color that is appetizing: Orange. He then tells the story of Gordon the Big Blue Engine in "Whistles & Sneezes".

After the story, Mr. Conductor has added orange stripes to his blue door, which has the style of a circus tent. Mr. Conductor realizes that this type of color would attract elephants, which can be troublesome, as he explains in the story "Henry & the Elephant".
Mr. Conductor switches to blue with yellow polka-dots, but it still doesn't look right. He then realizes that the door-painting idea was not a good one after all, and he remembers the effects of a new painting job that had on Percy in the story "Bulldog".

In the end, Mr. Conductor has repainted the door back to its original red color, which he finds perfect for it, as it reminds him of home. However, he cannot touch the door to go inside, as the paint is still wet, so he uses his gold dust instead. The episode ends with Mr. Conductor and Missy listening to the song "Let's Have a Race" on the radio.
Episode Morals:
Sometimes it's best to leave things as they are.
Featured Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Stories:
Come Out, Henry
Whistles & Sneezes
Henry & the Elephant
Featured Thomas Music Video:
Let's Have a Race
Episode Notes:
This is the last appearance of George Carlin as Mr. Conductor and the original Shining Time Station set. While the station itself would reappear, in modified form, in the feature film "Thomas and the Magic Railroad," Alec Baldwin would take over the role of Mr. Conductor.