THQ (Toy Head-Quarters)
THQ, also known as Toy Head-Quarters issued this rail set in 1993. Powered by 2 C batteries, the roughly O-gauge scale railway set featured Thomas, Annie and Clarabel running on a loop of plastic track. The As seen on Shining Time Station logo is displayed in the upper-right corner of the set's packaging. SiF contributor R. Imparato shares a few photos of his set below.

Box front for Thomas, Annie and Clarabel set (product # 12020) by THQ (1993) - photo courtesy R. Imparato

Side view of THQ's Thomas, Annie and Clarabel set by THQ (1993) - photo courtesy R. Imparato

Box rear for THQ's Thomas, Annie and Clarabel set
photo courtesy R. Imparato


THQ released this large plastic Thomas Bump’n’ Sound toy (roughly G-Scale) in 1992 - photos courtesy R. Imparato
Powered by 3 C batteries, Thomas has moving side rods and his eyes move in a circle when turned on. Thomas' cab roof had 4 coloured buttons on it that state the following when pushed:
Yellow - “Thomas is the number one engine”.
Red - “Hurry, Hurry, we mustn’t be late”.
Green - a train whistle is heard.
Blue - “Hello, care for a race today?”